Re: [Evolution] Folders highlight

Actually just noticed that there is a change to the icon, but barely visible with the current scheme+screen. With some digging I hopefully can find where the mail folder icons are kept, and change the ones for new mail (or the overlay) to something more visually noticeable.

Running Mint 17 with Mate (don't trust systemd) but also been meaning to install Devuan, so point may be moot anyway :)

On Sun, 2017-11-26 at 09:00 +1300, M wrote:
Hi all.

I'm just wondering if there is a way with Evolution to highlight mail folders with new mail in Evolution? Thunderbird (which has many annoyances that I'd like to leave behind) does this by making folders with new messages appear blue rather than the default black, and does the same for higher level folders in the tree. This way, if I've been away from the machine for a bit and come back, I can see at a glance if new messages have come in or not.

I have a few mail accounts and a number of folders that stuff gets automatically filtered into. Being able to see what comes in at a glance is what keeps me stuck on thunderbird, which has many other limitations. I'd love to be able to move to Evolution and ditch TB, but checking email in Evolution takes a while each time I come back to the computer.

Oh, and I mean new messages since the folder was last opened, not just unread messages. I sometimes have a few unread messages that might be there till after work or later in the day, and a couple that are there for months at a time. TB highlights folders with unread messages the same as Evolution does, but highlights folders in blue that have new messages since you last looked in the folder.


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