Re: [Evolution] Some HTML-emails not rendering correctly

On Sun, 2017-01-08 at 08:52 +0100, Trond Husø wrote:
I am receiving some HTML-e-mails not being presented/rendered
When I check the complete headers in Evolution I am getting only one
When I open up the same message in SquirrelMail I see the below
information when checking the header.


Evolution version is

I do not know whether it's it, but some older versions of the
evolution, when using IMAPx, could fail to download (usually) large
messages properly from some servers. It was mostly viable with Gmail,
if I recall properly. There had been added an option [1] to not fetch
messages in chunks, but rather download them as a single stream. It
resulted in some follow up changes too, finally to disable the so
called multi-fetch by default.

Unfortunately the change didn't make it into 3.18.x.

It sometimes helped to find the message under
and just delete it. Then select the message in the evolution again,
which will download it if missing in the local cache. There is not
needed to close the evolution before/after the cache file being
deleted, but it's better to not have the message shown in the UI when
deleting it.


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