Re: [Evolution] EWS Error message when sending emails

On Tue, 2017-04-18 at 13:27 -0700, Nitemn wrote:
Just a couple of more points on this.  If I disable the sent via
Outbox there
is no change and the message still shows up.  Also when I click on
send/receive the error message shows up as well.

I do not recall seeing any such error message in the past myself,
neither any report about it. Could you check what Sent folder you've
set in Edit->Preferences->Mail Accounts-><EWS Account>->Edit->Defaults
tab, please? Evolution tries to save the sent message there and as the
message had been sent then it's possible the error comes from this
"copy to sent folder" post-operation.

Also, it might be interesting to see what evolution-ews tried to do in
the background. You can get the log when you run evolution like this:
   $ EWS_DEBUG=2 evolution
Let it do all the things it does after start and once the output stops
coming send a test message and get the newly added output only. As this
exposes raw communication between evolution-ews and the server then
make sure you'll not expose any private information there, like email
addresses, server addresses and such.

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