Re: [Evolution] Error when receiving mail

I tried none and ews.

This was orignally a mail group to which I had send as permissions. I deleted the account and now I can't delete the mail that is apperantly stuck in the outbox of this deleted account.

We since then deleted the mailgroup and created a user mailbox which I added without a problem.

I just need to get rid of the "ghost mail" which keeps throwing the error.

On wo, 2016-09-21 at 14:22 +0200, Andre Klapper wrote:
On Wed, 2016-09-21 at 11:26 +0000, Hans Vandewalle wrote:
We use exchange at our workplace and I configured evolution to connect to our exchange and it works. However I have access to send mail as another user then me. When I tried to configure that and send a test mail it failed. I since then deleted the account and added that e-mail as a genuine account instead of trying to send as. Now when I send and receive I always get an error "Error while Sending message." with following note "Exchange server cannot send message as 'hidden@mail', when the account was configured for address 'otherhidden@mail'" I don't see any mails in outbox or drafts. Any idea how I can solve this?
Which of the Exchange "providers" in Evolution do you use? Exchange Web Services? MAPI? (See "Edit > Preferences > Mail Accounts > Type" column.) The feature you're looking for sounds like proxying? andre

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