Re: [Evolution] IMAP - Junk and Trash folder appear twice

On Mon, 2016-05-16 at 14:45 +0100, Pete Biggs wrote:
The "marked as deleted" paradigm comes from the time when removing a
message from a mail folder was a very time expensive process - MBOX
the standard with all the messages from a folder held in one big
When you want to remove a message, the system had to copy all the
messages up until the deleted one into a new file, skip over the
relevant message, then copy the rest of the messages, then rename the
old MBOX file, then rename the new MBOX file, then delete the old
It is a very disk intensive process and with large mailboxes can take
quite a while to do.  Hence any messages you want to delete are
as deleted, then the mailbox is purged at a later time when all
messages so far deleted are all removed in one go.

An additional penalty with MBOX implementations is that deleting a
message by moving it to a real Trash folder can put the user over a
disk quota limit because the move consists of copy+delete, i.e.
deleting messages to save space can't be done because you don't have
enough space! Not a myth, I've seen this happen.

In modern implementations where the move is an atomic operation this
won't happen.


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