Re: [Evolution] Gmail + Sent Messages to a local folder

Am Donnerstag, den 24.03.2016, 14:21 +0000 schrieb Pete Biggs: 
On Thu, 2016-03-24 at 14:48 +0100, Tom wrote:
Am Mittwoch, den 23.03.2016, 09:33 +0000 schrieb Pete Biggs: 

Regarding Gmail: there isn't much to be said. Gmail stores all sent
mail in the Sent Mail folder (of course Gmail doesn't actually use
folders, it's really the Sent Mail label, but when accessing it via
IMAP it appears as a folder). (Note that this will also happen if you
use POP). The following is copied directly from the Help menu item on
IMAP on the Gmail site:
Here you forgot to tell us that all seen below is about Outlook Express,
what I don't give a monkey's ... 
No, it says "If you're not using one of the above listed clients, as a
general rule, we suggest the following settings:" and the one directly
above happens to be "Outlook Express". where it's copied
from doesn't have an answer for Evolution :-(

What more do you want to know about for Evolution?  Are you unsure (...)
... not in the slightest ! Im sure I 've put the question in dispute
here -maybe not formulated very well  - ...

I'm sorry, I'm not really sure what you want or what you are having
difficulty with.

... no difficulty at all, but I would have liked to read some pros or
cons concerning Gmail sent messages = local folder vs. Gmail sent
messages = server folder.
Hoped we could have done this without getting wires crossed, as
explaining Gmails physical folder structure vs. its virtualization might
go off topic here ?
Is it possible to attach a screenshot to another mail for the list
here ?

Tom <tom prost-net de>
ProstNet - Tom

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