Re: [Evolution] [solved] Is there a workaround for deleting messages after 1 day from the server?

On Wed, 22 Jun 2016 18:14:56 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
On Wed, 22 Jun 2016 16:59:27 +0100, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
This is the kind of thing IMAP deals with as a matter of course, but I
think we've been over that before.  

I want to archive each email on my computer. I don't have my own
server. I want to delete the mails from the providers server, but not
from my archive. Even if the provider still might own copies, then at
least the folders of the providers web-interface, that I can access are
tidied up. How could I use IMAP? This is clearly a use case for POP
accounts. I tried to get this with IMAP and experienced several issues.

Let alone that another use case is, that I store the POP account mails
individually with Claws and Evolution on my machine. If the latest
mails are not available by a backup and something should happen, it
usually happens just for one MUA, so the mails are still available by
the other MUA. For IMAP accounts everything gets lost by the sync.
However, I'm aware that most users prefer IMAP over POP and most claim
that they never experienced duplicated mails and issues like this, but
actually this is what I experienced again and again and I never
experienced any issue of those that are often posted to this list,
those were people have issues with MUA folders vs server folders. With
POP accounts everything works as expected, so I don't feel to try again
to switch to IMAP.


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