Re: [Evolution] Fwd: You have been unsubscribed from the evolution-list mailing list]\

On Mon, 2016-07-25 at 16:55 +0100, Steve Tucknott wrote:
On Mon, 2016-07-25 at 08:40 -0700, Jonathan Ryshpan wrote:

I recently received this message.  Can anyone explain why?  
(I have resubscribed.)

-------- Forwarded Message --------
From: evolution-list-bounces gnome org
To: jonrysh pacbell net
Subject: You have been unsubscribed from the evolution-list mailing
Date: Mon, 11 Jul 2016 13:40:01 +0000

evolution-list mailing list
evolution-list gnome org
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Just seeing your other post prompts me to ask whether you got the
'unsubscribed' message after you posted a message to the list? IE did
you try to post about the crashes, then got the unsubscribed, then
resubscribed and finally reposted your crash message?
If so, that may be a clue as to what is happening as that is what
happened to me. I hadn't posted to the Evolution list for ages - I then
posted re an issue with sort order in calendar and got the
'unsubscribed' message. Then I resubscribed and posted the message ok.
So could it be that some form of inactivity time out has been added to
the list - and it's that that's causing the 'unsubscribed' message?

If that is the case, it's not something the moderators are aware of,
but of course we don't have control over the Mailman system itself.


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