Re: [Evolution] evolution 3.10 not sending messages from one of my mail acounts

On Thu, 2015-09-24 at 08:26 +0200, Clara Cagigal Cobo wrote:
Milan, Is it possible to do some change in the software to get more
time to write the password in the smtp transport?, or any other easy
workaround?. As I said I am very used to evolution and happy with it
and I would like to continue using (now evolution 3.10) it with ono
account (very comfortable for me)

definitely not for 3.10, it's way too old, too obsolete, for the
upstream (and the limited man power), but I'll try to look on it.

Thinking of it, it's not a new issue, the password prompt can be shown
for a long time, while the connection is still opened, thus the
unexpected connection close can be theoretically reproduced with any
server, it's just matter of delay between the password prompt need and
its confirmation. The disadvantage with the ono server is that their
timeout set it very short (the timeout is set on the server, not within

As I said earlier today, I'll try to cook something for more recent
evolution version (3.18.x).

I found a corresponding bug report [1] for this issue, thus let's
continue there. The original description of the bug applies to even
older 2.22.x, but some parts of it still are still relevant with the
recent code.



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