Re: [Evolution] How do I get rid of "preformatted"

On Thu, 2015-05-21 at 09:15 -0400, John Lauterbach wrote:
I am using Evolution 3.16.0 under Ubuntu 15.04 64-bit.  
While 3.16.0 solves some problems, it brought a new one, 
"preformatted".  I want all my e-mail, including replies to 
e-mails I have received. to be formatted, normal, without 
any intervention on my part.  So, how do I set the 
Evolution so that it will not use "preformatted?"

IIRC the default setting is Normal. If you're seeing Preformatted then
you must have set it that way in the past. Perhaps you're using a
template without realizing it.


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