Re: [Evolution] Port 993 and SSL/TLS and legitimacy in plain text at the same time

On Thu, 2015-03-05 at 15:38 +0100, enero99 arcor de wrote:
I have Linux Mint Debian Edition.
Linux 3.11-2 amd64 # 1 SMP Debian 3.11.8-1 (2013-11-13) x86_64 GNU/Linux
Evolution 3.8.5

Is there somewhere a repository for Debian with the current evolution? lists Evolution 3.12.9 for testing and
unstable. Which does not mean that you could easily install 3.12, given
its dependencies on newer versions of underlying libraries. 
Please contact your distribution for more details.

Am 05.03.2015 um 14:33 schrieb Pete Biggs:
Actually, looking more closely at the bug report, it was actually
back-ported to 3.8 & 3.10

Which bug report? I don't see any such commit in the gnome-3-8 branches
of evolution and evolution-data-server in GNOME Git...

Andre Klapper  |  ak-47 gmx net

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