Re: [Evolution] Evolution doesn't start

On Mon, 2015-02-23 at 23:45 +0100, Jörg Jenetzky wrote:
#8  0x00007fffe3b56a74 in mail_session_add_service 
(session=0x643980, >     uid=0x911530 "local_mbox",
    url_string=0x903540 "mbox:#EVO_USERDATADIR%23/mail/local_mbox",
    type=CAMEL_PROVIDER_STORE, error=<optimized out>) at e-mail-

it's crashing, because one of your local accounts has malformed URL. 
The updated backtrace shows where exactly the crash happened, and it's 
due to the missing path of the URL, for which the code doesn't check.

The above quoted part shows the malformed URL, which probably happened 
during restore from a backup. I do not know whether you restored 
anything manually or whether it was due to some crash during restore, 
but there definitely might not be any #EVO_USERDATADIR%23 in there, it 
might point to your /home/user/.local/share/evolution/. This 
'local_mbox' account is created as a backup of the mails before the 
migration to a maildir format. I would remove the account definition 
in gconf-editor, from /apps/evolution/mail/accounts key, which is a 
list of configured accounts. Check either for the item with the 
EVO_USERDATADIR or the local_mbox. Evolution should start properly 
once you remove it, or correct the URL, unless there are more affected 
accounts configured.
        Hope it helps,

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