Re: [Evolution] Can't get CalDAV calendar work with evolution


On Thu, 2015-12-31 at 12:23 +0100, Ulrich Fürst wrote:
I'm new to this list looking for a calendar for my debian with mate DE.
So I wanted to give evolution a try. But I can't get it to work with my
CalDAV resource from 

I entered the address (which is doing fine with korganizer and
icalendar on a mac). When I click on "Search calendar" in the
properties of the CalDAV account in evolution nothing happens. No
error message, but no calendar shown that I could select. 

Which Evolution version is this about?

P.S. There are no error messages starting evolution on the console
neither. Even with
CALDAV_DEBUG={all} /usr/lib/evolution/evolution-calendar-factory >&
the logfile is empty.

That parameter should be without brackets: 
CALDAV_DEBUG=all /usr/lib/evolution/evolution-calendar-factory >&> logfile

I guess
is pretty misleading as it's not the first time I've seen this...

Andre Klapper  |  ak-47 gmx net

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