Re: [Evolution] How to easily archive imap email

On Fri, 2015-12-04 at 00:40 +0000, Jerry Whitteridge wrote:

In Evolution as you are setup now you have 2 accounts "On My Computer" and
whatever you named the Account with your ISP. Under the On My Computer inbox
you can create a hierarchy of folders to contain your archives. Then create a
filter rule that looks at your IMAP inbox (or other folders as you wish) and
copies to the folders in the On My Computer. Every time you fetch mail all new
messages should then be copied locally.  

if i'm not mistaken, there is one issue with this.  Any email marked as
'not new' by a client other than evo will result in that email not being
routed through evo's filters when it's fetched by evo.  evo only
automatically passes mail that is marked as 'new' by the server through
it's filters.

you can highlight a group of emails and CTRL-Y to force them through the
filters.  but you then run the potential risk of having multiple copies
of particular emails in the archive folder.

1) a manual workaround for this *could* be.
this is essentially the same as, at the start of each month,
highlight last months emails and copy them to archive

create a filter to copy email to your archive folder. verify that it

unselect it in the filters configuration so that it's not active.
on the first of each month ( or whatever regular schedule ) activate the
filter. highlight all the email for the previous month and CTRL-Y.
verify that that months email is now in archive. deactivate filter.  Be
aware that if evo fetches new email during this process it will
automatically be archived ( but thats a small window and shouldn't be
much email if it occurs, and when you verify that last months email has
been archived, you can remove any current month emails from the archive
-- as they'll get archived when you run through this process at the
start of the next month)

2) not sure if your version of evo has the remove duplicates
functionality. if it does. and if an active filtered copy of an email
and a CTRL-Y filtered copy of an email will be seen as duplicates, then
you can leave the filter active and any *new* email will be auto
archived.  on the first of the month or some regular basis, you can
select all of the last months email and CTRL-Y it.  Then you can select
all of last months archived emails and 'remove duplicates' to get to one
copy of each in the archives

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