Re: [Evolution] MAIL FROM timeout

On Wed, 2014-10-29 at 09:22 +0000, Michelle wrote:
Just did an update/upgrade. Still at 3.10.4. Looks like I'll have to
stay here until the repos catch up.

Thanks for the heads up, though. Now that I know there's an issue in
this ball park, I know to sit and wait.

Or you test, if building it yourself should work, or you try to find a
PPA providing the needed backport.

You can try to build it by one of the ways described below.

Backup your install, then

$ sudo -i
# apt-get source evolution-data-server
# apt-get build-dep evolution-data-server

Then replace the source with the source from upstream, IOW download and
extract it and change into the evolution-data-server dir.

# nano debian/changelog
# nano debian/rules

I don't remember what changes to do, but IIRC it's easy to notice. Use
what ever editor else you like.

# libtoolize --force --copy --automake
# aclocal
# autoreconf
# debuild -b -us -uc
# dpkg -i evolution-data-server*

Assumed building a package that way shouldn't work, try

# ./configure
# checkinstall --install=no
# dpkg -i evolution-data-server*


Then do the same with evolution. Don't forget to install the dev
packages for Evolution's dependencies first.

JFTR I didn't build for Ubuntu/Debian since a long time, it's easier for
Arch Linux, the distro I use most of the times.

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