Re: [Evolution] Can't send mail over an OpenVPN connection with Evolution.

On Wed, 2014-04-23 at 19:05 +0400, Emre Erenoglu wrote:

On Wed, Apr 23, 2014 at 6:49 PM, Christian Dysthe <cdysthe gmail com>
        I'm running Evolution 3.10.4 on Ubuntu GNOME 14.04. I am not
        able to
        send mail over an OpenVPN connection with one of my IMAP
        accounts, but
        can send from others (this mail is sent with Gmail while on
        the VPN).
        I get the following error message after a while when trying to
        from this particular account:
        "Cound not connect to " I/O operation
        timed out".
        I can send with this account when not on the VPN. What could
        the problem

When you are on the vpn, can you try to a traceroute to that address?
For example, It may be that this server is in your internal network
and when you connect to VPN, all connections are routed through the
VPN but since this network is internal, you can't reach the server,
etc. etc.

Thanks. I have looked at it some more. The weird thing is that I can not
access that mail server at all when on the VPN. a 'telnet
587' gets not return from the server but I do get a route from
traceroute. When I am not on the vpn I get the normal mail server
response from this server. So this isn't an Evolution problem it seems.



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