Re: [Evolution] Help files

On Tue, 2013-05-07 at 09:00 -0600, Bart Hollis wrote:
Using Evolution 3.6.3 on openSUSE 12.3 with KDE desktop.

The Help -> About -> Contents shows an error message : Could not display
help for Evolution. The specified location is not supported.

I don't understand the "not supported" part.
Knowing where the help files are located might give me a start.

I've looked in /usr/share/evolution/3.6/help/.  The only entry there is
quickref/ and see I files for different languages.  There is no en
folder.  There is a folder named with an upper case, underlined C which
contains an English quick reference card.

I can't find anything else.

The gnome help system (yelp) looks for things in /usr/share/help

The language you are looking for is the same as your locale settings and
in locale terms, 'C' is the default if your locale doesn't exist.  What
it comes down to is that the 'C' locale is American English.  So the
Evolution help files should be in /usr/share/help/C/evolution and on
F18, those files are provided by the evolution-help package.


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