[Evolution] Problem Sending Email to large contact list

I am attempting to send a newsletter to a large contact list, for the
first time.

I am using Evolution 2.26.1. (I know, I'm sure it is quite an older
version, but I haven't upgraded my Ubuntu since 2009. I'll be upgrading
it when the new one comes out in April 2013!).

Here is the error message I got from evo when I attempted to send the
newsletter to the contact list:
Error while performing operation.

RCPT TO <bola gmail com > failed: <bola gmail com >: malformed address:
may not follow <bola gmail com

I do not understand the nature of the above error. Here is the contact
as listed in the contact list:

bola gmail com <bola gmail com >

The fact that the name and the email address are the same could not be
the problem, because ALL the addresses are listed like this in my
contact list. And already 680 addresses had appeared just like this one
prior to this entry in the list. So why did it particularly pick THIS
address and give me the error?


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