Re: [Evolution] Evolution does not download all messages stored in folders (IMAP account)

Hi Milan

On Tue, 2013-07-02 at 11:40 +0200, Milan Crha wrote:
On Mon, 2013-07-01 at 21:20 +0200, Pascal Hasko Bernhard wrote:
I realized the Evolution (3.4.6) does actually not download all messages

I suppose it's a typo, your version might be 3.6.4 instead?

You are correct, the version is 3.6.4

I have set:
- look for messages in all folders" (yesterday I also checked the box
"look for messages in subscribed folders"
- "automatically synchronize remote mail locally"

The option in respective folder Properties (mentioned in other mail in
this thread) is used as an addition to the above account-global
"automatically synchronize remote mail locally". If you've the global,
you do not need the folder's property set. The opposite is to have
selectively chosen which folders you want to have stored locally (like
if you've an Archive folder, where you do not want to see all messages
in offline).

- "use Quick Resync if servers supports it"

I would not be surprised if the QResync is the cause here. Please
disable it, then close evolution, then locate:
where is stored your local cache for remote mail accounts, like for the
IMAP. Move away all folders from here, and start evolution. A downside
of this is that evolution will download everything from scratch, but
with disabled QResync you should see all messages from the folders.

I will try that and see whether it works

If you'll still not get everything, then there might be some filter set.
Either at the top, like with All Messages and the Search term, as was
mentioned in other mails in this thread, or some implicit filters.
Implicit filter is one for the Deleted messages, but also for Junk
messages. Deleted and Junk messages are shown in Trash and Junk folder.
Just visit your Inbox and then the Junk folder to see whether the
messages are marked as Junk or not.

There is no filter except for two settings labels (Unfortunately they do
not work automatically) and the messages cannot be found in neither
Trash, Deleted nor Junk. These are old messages, several months or even
years old, when I moved them to certain folders.

Thanks for your help,


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