Re: [Evolution] How to modify toolbar buttons 2.28.3

On Mon, 2013-01-28 at 18:27 +0100, Andre Klapper wrote: 
On Mon, 2013-01-28 at 12:08 -0500, George Reeke wrote:
   [Note:  I recall that with an earlier version of evolution some
years ago, this could be done by modifying some xml code in a directory
somewhere, and I did this and have been happy since, but I no longer
have any notes on how that was done and cannot find anything that
looks relevant in /usr/share/evolution, and anyway, it may be different
now.  Also, please don't tell me 2.28.3 is "ancient" as it is the
version supplied with the very latest RedHat (= CentOS) release

Linking to the ancient FAQ:


   Thanks, problem solved.  Apparently 2.28 still works the same way.
[I find it strange that ' verb="" ' seems to be the way to tell it
what to do when my Move button is clicked, but it works.]
If someone can tell me whether current versions of evolution still have
no end-user method to configure the toolbar, I will submit an enhance-
ment request, as I could not find one already there in a quick search.
   George Reeke

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