Re: [Evolution] update package for ubuntu 12.10

On Sun, 2013-01-27 at 19:24 +0100, Andre Klapper wrote:
On Sun, 2013-01-27 at 23:16 +0530, samarjit Adhikari wrote:
If i believe correctly what ever the source being published at the
following URL it will be picked by different distribution, right?
Correct, that's where the tarballs ("releases") are listed.
If you want the very latest code that's even newer than the last
tarball, you'd have to check it out from the code repository at describes how.
Module would be "evolution" (and obviously also its dependencies, like
"evolution-data-server") and if you want 3.6.x, the Git branch would be
called "gnome-3-6".
Even i can also build the evolution from scratch as well right?
Everybody could. Theoretically.
In GNOME it's normally recommend to use JhBuild (see ), but in case of followup questions
about JhBuild please note that the Evolution mailing list does not
provide JhBuild support -- gnome-love@ would be better suited for this.

This is a good article if you want to start hacking/building/debugging -
It at least covers some of the GNOME terminology.

The gnome-love list and other 'official' GNOME lists can be found at
<>.  But you already found this
one, so you probably know that.

Adam Tauno Williams  GPG D95ED383
Systems Administrator, Python Developer, LPI / NCLA

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