Re: [Evolution] Sending photos from digKam: "Skipping suspicious attachment"

On Saturday 23 of June 2012 16:44:45 Matthew Barnes wrote:
On Sat, 2012-06-23 at 21:10 +0200, Jacob Nielsen wrote:
Fair enough. But I get no indication at all in the GUI that the
attachments were skipped.

You will in 3.4.  It was considered a security issue that came up during
3.3 development, so the filename blacklist was backported to 3.2 without
introducing any new translatable (read: user-visible) messages.

And is it possible to convince Evolution that stuff in .kde is not

It would have to be patched in.

Not being a KDE user, how widely is ~/.kde still used?  I thought KDE
complied with the XDG base directory specification it helped write, or
is ~/.kde a legacy directory analogous to GNOME's ~/.gnome2 ?


KDE still uses ~/.kde quite a lot - nearly all apps that are part of KDE 
distribution have their configuration and tmp folders there.

 Also, some distributions prefer ~/.kde4 (for historical reasons to avoid 
conflict with ~/.kde used by KDE 3 which is incompatible with KDE 4 configs), so 
if you are going to whitelist ~/.kde (used by Fedora), please add ~/.kde4 
(used by ArchLinux for instance) too.


Matthew Barnes

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