Re: [Evolution] An interesting problem

On Thu, 2012-06-21 at 10:07 -0300, Lailah wrote:


            Are you sure that is no problem with the file itself?  I
mean, maybe is corrupted or something.  I think the problem is in the
file, but is only my opinion.


With further investigation, the problem does indeed seem to be in the
file.  If I copy the file to another directory, it gets bigger by about
a meg.  I can attach that copy to a message without problems whereas the
original will lock up evolution.

The thing is, the apparently corrupted file will work just fine when
viewed in multiple video players.  Go figure!

Anyway.  It's obviously not a problem with Evolution, so I'll drop it
here, and maybe find a corrupt file mailing list to see if I can find
what is up with that file.
Or maybe not.  <G>


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