[Evolution] Evolution EWS


Migrated over from Windows 7 - office 2010 to openSUSE 12.1. Got most things working just final bit that's not working is email client that can work with Microsoft Exchange 2007. I'm trying to get evolution and the ews connector working. In a browser I can get to (once authenticated)https://emailserver.com/ews/exchange.asmx. However when I open evolution and setup using the same host url i get "No Response: Internal Server Error". It doesn't ask me to authenticate so not sure whats happening ? where would i find logs for the connection and what its trying to do ?

I've also tried the following

So therefore my address reads as this now for the URL

https://firstname surname company co uk@outlook.company.co.uk/EWS/Exchange.asmx
When i now launch evolution get an error that it can't find
hostname company co uk outlook company co uk
, rather that the internal server error.

I've tried

https://company\firstname surname outlook company co uk/EWS/Exchange.asmx
https://company co uk\firstname surname outlook company co uk/EWS/Exchange.asmx
and they just come back with internal error.

Whats interesting is I've played with Thunderbird and tried the Lightning calendar add-in and used

https://firstname surname company co uk@outlook.company.co.uk/EWS/Exchange.asmx
with username of firstname surname company co uk and work fine, so i know EWS works and is support from my exchange server.

thanks for any help


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