Re: [Evolution] How to close sending/receiving dialog in GNOME 3

On Fri, 2012-01-20 at 09:49 +0100, Milan Crha wrote:
On Thu, 2012-01-19 at 20:35 +0100, Paul Menzel wrote:
clicking ÂSending/Receiving messages button a window pops up listing
every account with a progress bar. In GNOME 3 that window does not have
a close button in the top right corner. Sometimes receiving the messages
for one of my accounts hangs due to some server problems or whatever.
Clicking ÂAbort all does grey out all accounts but the problematic
account still does not get closed and therefore the window stays open

I am I missing something or do I need to submit a ticket against the
missing close button of the window or the malfunctioning ÂAbort allÂ

I was also quite sad that they removed the button, it doesn't make sense
to me, but what one can do. The "workaround" is to right click above the
window title, which will bring the standard window's system menu.

About the hang, it depends, it can sometimes just wait for the server
response, sometimes can be stuck on a mutex lock. It would be nice to
have cancellable locks, which might be doable, with a bit of effort.
Canceling waits for the server response is supposed to be better in
3.4.0 (aka the current development version).

IMHO at least server interactions should be cancelable, either by user
action or by timeout. Mail systems are supposed to be resilient in the
presence of server failure, and I've frequently had to kill Evo because
it has (apparently) hung while waiting for a server. I have never lost
mail because of this, so I fail to see why Evo can't do it
automatically, or at least pop up a dialog box and ask me.


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