Re: [Evolution] URGENT: Need help to restore evolution

On Fri, 2012-01-06 at 13:55 +0100, Svante Signell wrote:
I copied
the .gconf/apps/evolution/mail directory from another computer, and now
evo starts again. However, on that account I had e.g. mail filters
defined, that I don't have on this computer. How to change this stuff,
by doing something in evo or directly/with gconftool-2 editing %gconf
files under the appropriate directory below .../mail? 

OK, so you didn't follow the FAQ, you only took part of the data. No
surprise you do not see the rest, if you didn't took it.

Filters are in ~/.evolution/mail or ~/.local/share/evolution/mail. The
thing is that copy the filter between machine is useless with rules
involving folders, because account IDs are stored in rules, thus if they
do not match with your configured accounts, then the rules will not
work. Remember, this all is internal application data. Thus better to
fill those rules again, in Edit->Message Filters, even it can be painful
the first time, with many filter rules.

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