[Evolution] infrastructure

Hi :)
At the moment i get the impression that Evolution gets used on a lot more platforms and DE's than just 
Gnome.  But the whole of Evolution's infrastructure is contained within the Gnome project.  

Is it technically possible to move the project under a different umbrella?  Would it make sense to move to 
The Document Foundation (TDF)?  At the moment TDF only have 1 product (LibreOffice (LO)) and all the Board 
and everything is geared only to that.  It might be good for them if there were other projects joining them 
at board level.  The way i envision it each product would remain independent of each other and retain their 
own management structures.  

Would there be any scope for attracting some of their devs to work on Evo rather than some of them just doing 
a little bit on LO and then vanishing off into the ether?  It might be interesting for them to see how 2 very 
different structures work and give them a chance to see which style they prefer.  Also they seem to be quite 
good at attracting funding from donations and getting out to trade-shows and events to raise their profile.  

Gnome is famous and has been around a long time but TDF has gained a lot of ground in the last 2 years and 
established itself well while still being seen as fresh and exciting in the press.  I've even seen it 
mentioned on the front covers of  fairly mainstream magazines at my local supermarket.  

I just wondered if anyone here had thought about repositioning Evo strategically?
Regards from
Tom :)  

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