Re: [Evolution] [ANNOUNCE] Evolution-EWS (Exchange Web Services) Alpha release

On Wed, 2012-04-25 at 13:51 -0700, kalifg wrote:
Hi!  I am using Ubuntu 12.04 w/ evolution 3.2.3.  I downloaded your Oneiric
evolution-ews package and repackaged it for precise.  After installing I was
able to login to our Exchange 2010 server.  I can see all of my email and my
calendar.  It even pulled the names of the address books, however I get the
"Cannot get book from factory: Invalid source" error whenever it tries to
access them, either via the Contacts tab or when trying to autocomplete on a
new email.  I have followed the OAB url in a web browser and successfully
downloaded addressbook files.  Any help would be appreciated!

might be

Also check the OAB url in receiving email tab of ews account
configuration (Edit -> Preferences), if it starts with http://, you can
try to replace with https:// but keep rest of the url as it is.

Hope it helps.

- Akhil

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