Re: [Evolution] Really super terribly awful slow performance "Generating message list"

On Mon, 2011-09-19 at 14:00 -0400, Adam Tauno Williams wrote: 
This operation appears to consume up to 30 seconds of CPU time each and
every time it runs. It's hell on laptop battery life using 30 seconds of
speed boost every couple of minutes.

Really need to know the type of mail account to be able to offer any advice.

And are you doing anything hinky like accessing mail mounted via GVFS  
or using an encrypted home directory, etc...

Might be his folders.db database is full of crap and needs vacuumed.

Currently this has to be done manually via an SQLite "vacuum" command
(see [1], updated for XDG dirs), but I've been toying with the idea of
tying it to "expunge" operations.  Seems a natural place for some
automated database garbage collection.  3.4 material at this point.

Matthew Barnes

[1] Shut down Evolution before running this:

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