Re: [Evolution] A digression on digests

On Wed, 2011-03-30 at 15:37 -0600, Bart wrote:
On Wed, 2011-03-30 at 10:13 -0430, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
List digests are a PITA and a holdover from when most people got their
mail via UUCP. However some people seem to like them so I guess they
have to be supported by MUAs, including Evo.
Currently Evo lets you reply to a message within a digest, but quite a
few people don't seem to realize this is possible and end up replying to
the digest (and as often as not quoting the entire thing). This causes
much gnashing of teeth as it loses the threading and is a waste of
bandwidth, space, mental energy etc.. In fact some people don't even
edit the Subject line so you have no idea what they're replying to
without having to decipher the message.
It occurs to me that a simple fix would be to automatically use the
"reply-to-digest-component" function when the user hits one of the Reply
options while looking at a digest. I can't think of a downside, unless
it's to make it impossible to reply to the entire digest, which is a
Good Thing(tm
Anyone? Should this also apply to forwarding?
Your suggestion, if easily implemented without a lot of code, seems the


 I, for one, would not miss the digest option at all.  I tried it
on another list, many years ago, and found no advantage but lots of

Yep; with modern clients I completely don't see the point of digests [so
what if you get 34 messages a day from a list?].  But then I still have
users you struggle to manage their e-mail.  It isn't the clients or the
interface - the problem is the user themselves.  And that is unsolvable.
Adam Tauno Williams <awilliam whitemice org> LPIC-1, Novell CLA
OpenGroupware, Cyrus IMAPd, Postfix, OpenLDAP, Samba

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