[Evolution] CalDAV and SSL client certificates not working

Hi folks,

I just had a closer look at Evolution. It appears to have almost all the features I
need. :-)

The one thing, however, that doesn't seem to be working is CalDAV support with SSL
client certificates.

When adding a new CalDAV calendar I can check a "Use SSL" box, but that seems to
ignore my client certificate. The error message evolution gives me, when trying to
access the calendar, is:

--- snip ---
Fehler beim Laden des Kalenders
Kalender kann nicht geÃffnet werden: Ein unerwarteter HTTP-Statuscode 6 wurde
--- snap ---

Basically it says that an unexpected HTTP status code 6 has been returned.

The calendar itself is working fine in Thunderbird/Lightning.

SSL connections with client certificates generally seem to be supported by evolution
(tested with IMAP SSL with client certificates or SMTP STARTTLS). I'd expect the
CalDAV code to use the same client certificate, but somehow it doesn't.

I tested both evolution 2.32.1 and 3.0.2. The other side is an Apache 2.2.15 with

Unfortunately wrapping stunnel on my client around this doesn't work, as I would have
to rewrite parts of the HTTP communication (at least the "Host: ..." part of the HTTP

I'd appreciate any light shed on this. Has it just not been implemented? Should it be
working and I'm using it wrong?

Thanks -- Till
Dipl.-Inform. Till DÃrges                  doerges pre-sense de
                                  Tel. +49 - 40 - 244 2407 - 14
                                  Fax  +49 - 40 - 244 2407 - 24
PRESENSE Technologies GmbH            Sachsenstr. 5, D-20097 HH
                                         USt-IdNr.: DE263765024
GeschÃftsfÃhrer/Managing Directors       AG Hamburg, HRB 107844
Till DÃrges           JÃrgen Sander              Axel Theilmann

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