Re: [Evolution] gconf-edit

On Sat, 2011-01-29 at 22:58 -0430, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
On Sat, 2011-01-29 at 09:11 -0800, les wrote:
Hi, guys,
    I really miss having the application save preferences directly, such as
moving the separation bars and having that setup saved automatically for
the next start.  I also miss being able to have the pull down menu to
set preferences rather than the really brutal gconf-editor stuff.

You make it sound like File->Preferences has gone away, or that some
things that used to be settable from the dialogue are no longer set that
way, which I don't think is true. Most people will never have to
interact directly with GConf, in fact gconf-editor isn't even installed
by default in Fedora, and I'm guessing also the other main Linux
distros. So what you're actually asking for is either a) a larger and
more complex set of online Preference panes, or b) options to be set in
a text config file.

Hi I would appreciate knowing how to set my pane layout so that it stays
as I want next time I start evo. Edit> preferences , have I missed
something in there ?
Details in the sig block


Best wishes / 73
Richard Bown
nil carborundum a illegitemis
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