Re: [Evolution] Searching emails?

Am Do 24 Feb 2011 09:31:58 CET
schrieb Pete Biggs <pete biggs org uk>:

Any suggestions? I want a fully indexed search and would like to be
able to specify all the "common" attributes.
The other alternative is to use something like Beagle - that will
index Evo messages (and just about everything else on your computer)
- and in the process suck all your CPU time and memory :-)

Beagle isn't the only search tool/indexer, and it's use seems to be
declining in recent years, but I *know* it will index Evo messages.

I tried beagle, tracker & co for desktop search with little success:
tracker is in the process of being transformed into a meta-service
expecting dbus-signals and couldn't be expected to do something as
menial as indexing mail folders, Beagle is no longer developed and
doesn't index Openoffice files, and so on...

The one program doing it all is recoll, -- its index
gets quite large, and the interface is qt4, without any Gnome
integration, but other than that it's very good, has a real query
language and understands many file types.


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