Re: [Evolution] Evolution-3.2.2: Opening calendar to a specified date?

On 12/12/2011 12:11 AM, Milan Crha wrote:
On Thu, 2011-12-08 at 10:15 -0800, walt wrote:

When I start evolution from a command prompt, it always starts with
today's date (ignoring what I type).  Could you give me an example
of the correct command-line syntax for 3.2.2?

Sure, call it like this one:
    $ evolution calendar:///?startdate=x20111224

the format of the date is YYYYMMDD, and the 'x' at the beginning is
ignored, but should be there - seems like a bug in the code to me.

I think (maybe) the problem is this commit from the bug you cited:

That commit puts an extra '&' in front of the date string for reasons
I don't understand.  Maybe that commit was really intended for an
older branch of evolution?

This is what I'm thinking:

Starting the evolution calendar on the wrong date is a very old bug
that was fixed a long time ago -- but now it is back again in the
3.2.x branch.  Apparently the original (old) patch was lost in the
dust somewhere :)

In addition to the 'x' character you mention, the old way of calling
the correct date is now required again, like this (please try it):

$ evolution calendar:///?startdate=x20111225T120000Z  [ThhmmssZ]

IIRC the original patch taught evolution to compensate for the users
local time zone, so the calendar date always increments at midnight,
local time.

The alternate workaround was to force the time to be 12:00:00 Zulu
(as in my example above) instead of the user's real time, which in
practice has the same effect of incrementing the date by one.

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