[Evolution] Evolution becomes more or less unusable / slow / crashes ... HELP

Dear all,

I have been using Evolution for years now, without major problems. 

My station is a Debian SID installed with latest binaries. I have been a
Debian user for 10+ years.

Sorry if this is my first message. Until now, everything worked fine.

In the last few weeks, my problems are the following:

* Sending or receiving messages can take up to 5 minutes per account. I
have several accounts.

* Evolution will rebuild constantly indexes and takes 30 minutes to shut
down. Even if I remove indexes, the new rebuilt indexes and corrupted
and therefore Evolution will constantly rebuilt them in vain.

* When Evolution is busy, my whole laptop slows down and becomes nearly
unsables. It seems that Evolution is eating-up precious processor
cycles. I looked at top, and evolution usually eats-up 15% of the
processor time. In fact, I suspect it is much more. I would say 80%, as
Evolution is probably accessing disc all-the-time.

* In short, my life has become a misery. Could you please help me. Any
information, including a possible compilation from SVN would help. I
will not switch to any other system, other than Evolution compatible.

For example, is there a way to store messages in reliable messages boxes
and convert my existing mailboxes? Is there a way to store emails in a
PostgreSQL database or something reliable and unbreakable ...

From my point of view, The Evolution software that I am using is not
usable on a large scale. Only hackers can live with it. Please tell me
how to have a reliable installation.

Kind regards,

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