[Evolution] Is it me, or is Evolution 2.30 buggy? (crashes, summary/folder mismatches, lost emails, etc.)

Is it me, or is Evolution 2.30 buggy?

I've been running Evolution as my daily driver since 2002 when Ximian
was maintaining it. For what it is I have been very happy, until
installing which is the version shipping with openSuse 11.3. 

I do confess to having several thousand items in my "Inbox" and a couple
of thousand items in my "Sent" folder. This has not been a problem until
version Since installing this version, I have been having
daily crashes where Evolution disappears. This usually occurs in the
middle of checking mail on servers. In addition, I have been gotten the
"Summary and folder mismatch" error message several times, after which
I've deleted .cmeta, .ibex, and .ev-summary folders
from /home/user/.evolution/mail/local. This worked on previous versions
of Evolution, however with I have discovered that one half to
nearly all of the contents of my inbox and sent items folder disappears
as a result of this error. I have done this several times, recreating
the inbox and sent items from backups. 

QUESTION: Should I update to the newest stable version? 

Thanks and keep up the good work. No really, you people do do good work,
otherwise I wouldn't have stuck w/Evo for so long. Cheers. 

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