Re: [Evolution] learning to compile, need help with finding dependecies in Ubuntu 10.04


Am Montag, den 01.11.2010, 19:09 +1300 schrieb Victoria Spagnolo:
Reid and Han,
Thanks for the msg suggesting 
Have you tried Paul's Makefile?
Last time I tried this under Ubuntu it was reasonably clear which
packages needed to be installed. Haven't tried it in a while though...

Yes, I got that straightaway. But it is not for lucid.
DISTROS :=  feisty gutsy hardy intrepid jaunty karmic \

I've asked at #ubuntu and searched and didn't come up with any thing to try. 


I would suggest to you to try to build the gnome-2-32 branch, but using
a more direct approach than the above Makefile. I just tried it on my
ubuntu maverick vmware and it gave me strange errors like a missing
A few weeks ago, I built the master and gnome-2-32 branches on this box
and I'll give you an outline of what I did:

I am only using gtkhtml, evolution-data-server and evolution projects.
If you need others, like libgweather or evolution-exchange or
evolution-mapi you need to check them out and build them as well.

So I created a base directory like ~/evo-src

cd evo-src
git clone git:// -b gnome-2-32
git clone git:// -b gnome-2-32
git clone git:// -b gnome-2-32
mkdir obj/gtkhtml
cd gtkhtml
# The following does not execute the configure yet
PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/evo/lib/pkgconfig/  CC='ccache gcc' CFLAGS=-g
LDFLAGS=-L/opt/evo/lib NOCONFIGURE=y  bash ./
--prefix='/opt/evo' --disable-deprecated-warning-flags
# Now actuall execute configure
cd ../obj/gtkhtml
PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/evo/lib/pkgconfig/  CC='ccache gcc' CFLAGS=-g
LDFLAGS=-L/opt/evo/lib   bash ../../gtkhtml/
--prefix='/opt/evo' --disable-deprecated-warning-flags

make install

Do the same thing for evolution-data-server and evolution and the
other modules. In the case of evolution I had to do a "make -k"
to let it run through, the build would complain about some missing help
You may have to install some missing packages:

sudo apt-get build-dep evolution 
should install most of them.

I had to do a 
sudo apt-get install gobject-introspection 
as well.

Hope that helps.


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