Re: [Evolution] Msg Filters Loosing Destination Folder

On Fri, 2010-05-28 at 22:45 +0200, Thomas Mittelstaedt wrote:
Am Freitag, den 28.05.2010, 11:01 -0400 schrieb Philippe LeCavalier:
> Hi All,
> 1)
> I don't know if my expectations are realistic or even remotely
> possible but could I not ask (post a bug) to have Evo remember paths
> before clearing them in the likelihood that the user might need said
> path?
> 2)
> To be perfectly clear, I can live with the "knowingly" but the
> "unknowingly" is different. Today this happened  for no apparent
> reason. Can someone out there help me determine the cause please and
> pretty please? Hint: it problably starts with the reason why I was
> unsubscribed to everything but the root, my Inbox.


I had the same problem when expunge of a folder would cause an error. I
copied the folder somewhere, renamed the original and then moved the
copy back to the original. 
evolution would update the corresponding filter rule, to now contain the
name <folder>.old, which I did not want.
It might be of help to know that the rules are in an xml-file in
~/.evolution/mail/filters.xml, which I can edit and the running
evolution would pick up the changes right away.
Maybe you can just make a copy of filters.xml before you run your 
procedure and then restore the copy on top of the falsely updated file.
Hope that helps.

First-off, please don't top-post. It's annoying.

Second, Yes. That really helps. It's not a solution but it certainly is a workaround that I can easily apply. Better yet it will allow me to regularly backup my filters -separate from my entire dump.

Third, thank you.


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