[Evolution] Evolution user manual relicensing


Work is ongoing to create a new Mallard topic-oriented user manual at
http://gitorious.org/evolution-docs/evolution-docs .

According to
http://library.gnome.org/users/evolution/stable/id2462476.html.en the
old user manual is "Copyright 2007 Novell, Inc. Permission is granted to
copy, distribute, and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU
Free Documentation License (GFDL), Version 1.2".

The Mallard help is licensed as Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0.

CC-BY-SA is incompatible with GFDL, but as far as I know ("I am not a
lawyer") GFDL 1.3 offers to additionally offer the work under the
CC-BY-SA license.

Is it possible to have Novell relicense the user manual from "GFDL 1.2"
to "GFDL 1.3 and CC-BY-SA" so that some sentences and sections from the
old manual could be reused?
This would avoid rewriting everything from scratch and would create less
work for translators as some translations could be reused.

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