[Evolution] an infuriating problem

i'm a linux and evolution user here in ireland.
i've encountered an evolution problem since tuesday that's baffling me.
when i try to send e-mails an error message appears that tells me that my
rcpt host address,ie john hotmail is not allowed.

"the domain is not allowed in my list of rcpt hosts[#5.7.1]" is the message

i'm recieving mails and just to clarify i'm sending this mail via my
mail2web account.i contacted my email account company indigo and was told
it had to be my web-servers fault.i then rec'd an email from them on
evolution and sarcastically replied"i can't send emails"....it sent? as did
another more detailed and humble reply.

i tried other mails of friends and colleagues,incl this address and things
reverted to before.can anybody help me,tell me what the problem is.
by elimination,it has to be an evolution prob as opposed to any other.are
my addresses being somehow corrupted? i dont have an address book just
thousands of emails.the fact that it's also not recognising a new one[the
above] even though it has sent to my email account[indigo],also new just
makes me more confused.
would appreciate any help.
is there a forum that replies can be posted?
thank you
pat n 

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