Re: [Evolution] Maildir and dot hierarchy separator

On Wed, 2010-04-28 at 11:34 +0200, Paul Ezvan wrote:
Le mardi 27 avril 2010 Ã 22:59 -0430, Patrick O'Callaghan a Ãcrit :
On Tue, 2010-04-27 at 17:41 +0200, Paul Ezvan wrote:
Hi all,

I am trying to use Evolution ( on a Maildir shared through
CIFS. It works fine except that subfolders are not recognized.

In the Maildir folder the subfolders are named
as : .subfolder.subsubfolder etc, 
but they are listed like this in Evolution, so it doesn't display the
correct hierarchy.

AFAIK the Maildir hierarchy should appear as a real hierarchy of folders
when seen from the client machine, i.e. folder, folder/subfolder,
folder/subfolder/subsubfolder etc. From your description, it doesn't
sound like that's what's happening, so the problem may be the way the
CIFS filesystem is being accessed from your machine.

Can Evolution recognize dot hierarchy separator ?

Not really relevant. Evo just uses the native filesystem hierarchy. It
should never see "separators" in local folder names (including those of
remotely mounted folders). Accessing a mail server with the IMAP
protocol will show dots as separators, since that's how IMAP works by
default, but that's a different matter.


Thanks for your answer.

It appears that Maildir does use the a.b.c format as you say. I wasn't
aware of that.

The Dovecot wiki[1] says that Dovecot uses Maildir++ directory layout,
which uses the subfolder organization I described below.

So does Dovecot support Maildir++ directory layout ?

That's a question about Dovecot, about which I know nothing. Perhaps you
should ask on a Dovecot list.

However, here's question I neglected to ask earlier: is your account
actually configured to use Maildir (under
Preferences-><account>->Receiving Mail->Server Type)?


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