Re: [Evolution] How do you install 2.29 on Ubuntu 9.10?

On Tue, 2009-12-08 at 12:02 -0800, Bryan Karlan wrote:
Ah... Yet another Linux faux pas.  What in the world is top posting?

Doing what you're doing, i.e. replying to a message before the quoted
material. It's a brain-dead Microsoftism which seems to have taken over
the corporate world because people don't understand about threading and
archiving of mail. It's widely deplored by long-term net users,
especially on technical lists. One typical response is:

A: Because it messes up the order of conversations.
Q: Why is top-posting stupid?

  And good god, I wouldn't want to irritate experienced Linux
personnel just because I'm interested in learning about the

"Personnel"? You seem to be labouring under the delusion that this
community is some kind of support company. It isn't. It's just
interested people exchanging opinions and advice.

You people make wanting to learn about this system, which has
potential, into an excuse to flame those who aren't in the know.

People generally learn by listening and observing. That's what everyone
here did. No part of this thread so far could be remotely construed as

Forget it, I'm at the point of just paying $300 for Windows 7 and $300
for Office 2010 in 6 months.  At least I'll get support from Indians
who want to help, even if I can't understand them.

Your call. You don't seem to want to understand, even when the advice is


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