Re: [Evolution] I know it's not about Evolution, but...

On Sat, 2009-08-01 at 13:05 +0100, Constantin OrÄsan wrote:

Thanks Richard,
I've found this:

Next question then:
-How do I change the SMTP port number on Evolution into 587? Is it
possible customize the port number individually for each mail account in
Evolution or is the change global for all accounts?

I do not have access here to evolution to test it, but I am pretty
sure that all you have to do is to put the name of the server followed
by :port


You can do this for every account. Go to Edit->Preferences. Edit the
account, make the changes to the tab "Sending options" (or something
like this).

good luck


Many thanks Dinel,
That worked beautiful!

Everything works great now and I no longer have any problems with my
ISP's blocking of port 25.

As I googled around, I've found that blocking port 25 is very common
among ISPs. So I can enlighten everyone what I did in order to make it

As I use Postfix on the mailserver, I opened the file:
and added this line under the existing smtp line like this:
smtp inet n - - - - smtpd  (existing)
587 inet n - - - - smtpd   (added)
Then restart the mailserver.
Now the mailserver is listening on both port 25 and 587!

Then I added the :587 in the Evolution settings for the actual mail
account like this:


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