Re: [Evolution] Problems with importing outlook calendar into Evolution

On Mon, 2008-05-12 at 21:33 +0200, Patric Schira wrote:
ïHi Everybody,

for some days I'm using Evolution 2.2 now. I migrated from Win XP to
Ubuntu HH an therefore, I exported my contacts, my calendar, etc. from
Outlook into separate files (contacts.csv, calendar.csv, etc.)

Some days ago I started importing the data to Evolution. Importing
worked fine, but importing calendar.csv doesn't work correct.

In Evolution I switched to calendar, started the importing-task and
waited several minutes. When importing was finished I did not find any
data in my calendar - but - in my contacts-folder. 

Does anybody has an idea, what went wrong? And how to import my
Have you selected the right calendar to import ? If you had selected
tasks by mistake, they would not have been imported. Please try to
import again by selecting the calendar and see if it works properly.

- Chenthill.



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