Re: [Evolution] Synching the Exchange calendar from the command line?

On 09/06/2008, at 20.15, Steinar Bang wrote:

Jules Colding <colding 42tools com>:

With a little hacking you could get this working:

Thanx for the tip!  It should be possible to script something using
Python and OmniORB, at least.

The C sample is using ORBit2 but any ORB will eventually do.

I didn't find anything about calendar support here, though...?

Googling for "calendar" gave me some screenshots of
Evolution with a Brutus calendar, so I guess it's there

But no text on the subject...?

Some developer information here
but nothing meaningful found when searching for "calendar".

Anyways... I'll browse around.  Thanx again!

The Exchange calendar is just a folder within your Exchange mailbox. The objects within this folder has a few basic properties and then some calendar specific ones. You can get the special calendar folder by several means. One is to do it with raw MAPI, but I would recommend that you use BRUTUS::IMAPISession::GetOutlookFolder(). The C sample is doing it using raw MAPI, so that way is also documented. Look in brutus_utils.c for the get_outlook_folder() function. Look in main.c: 982 where this function is used to get the Personal Address Book on Exchange. Substitute the enum with the calendar specific one and you will get the calendar instead.

Please subscribe to brutus-list(*) as evolution-list isn't the right place to discuss Exchange access based upon Brutus.

Best regards,


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