Re: [Evolution] Info on 2.11.5?

On Fri, 2007-07-06 at 14:09 -0600, Veerapuram Varadhan wrote:

Thanks for the update.  I am currently polishing up my
promised-performance-fixes mentioned in my blog - - and should land in trunk by tomorrow.

Excellent.  If you give me and/or the list a nudge when it's up I'll
build it and give it a whirl.  Is this all the 2.11.5 stuff, or just
part of it?

On Fri, 2007-07-06 at 15:48 -0400, Paul Smith wrote:
        This one means I need to restart my Evo a lot, otherwise I can't
        read my Exchange email.  Note I've found out what appears to be
        the triggering mechanism to this bug (just yesterday!) so I
        wonder if anyone else can reproduce it?

Wow! I went through your comments in the bug.  Logically speaking, I
don't see any connection between Local Inbox and Exchange's Inbox.
However, the observation does mention an interesting point - selection
of the folder.  Is the behavior reproducible when your selection is on
another Exchange folder and not Inbox? 

As far as I can tell the problem starts when, and only when, I select
the Inbox folder in the "On This Computer" section.  I can select other
folders in "On This Computer", and I can select any folder I want
(including Inbox) in the section for my Exchange account (which I call
"Work"--inventive, huh?) and everything works fine.

The minute I select "On This Computer -> Inbox", Exchange starts to get
        This one means that if I shut down evolution with the wrong
        folder selected, I can't start it again because it will dump
        core immediately.  To work around this I have to
        --force-shutdown ALL the SVN versions, then run the older 2.10.1
        version that came with my distribution, change the folder, then
        shutdown the 2.10.1 version (with --force-shutdown) and restart
        the SVN version.

I have updated the bug with my comment.  

I did a bunch more testing tonight about EXACTLY which folders cause the
problem, stopping and starting Evo SVN over and over with each different
folder selected.  Only three (On This Computer -> Inbox, On This
Computer -> Junk, and one I created: On This Computer -> ISP) cause this
core dump problem.  All other folders allow Evo SVN to start up fine.

I've added notes to the bug.

 Paul D. Smith <psmith gnu org>          Find some GNU make tips at:            
 "Please remain calm...I may be mad, but I am a professional." --Mad Scientist

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