Re: [Evolution] Sync with Palm TX not getting loaded into Contacts

Update ...

Tried uninstalling and reinstalling Evolution ... No success: the data's still in .evolution directories
waiting but not being picked up and displayed.

Almost like permissions aren't allowing it. Ownership is "awilcox" so that doesn't seem likely.

Is there a config file somewhere that tells Evolution where to pickup files? Couldn't find it
to see if it's right.


Alan D. Wilcox wrote:

Running Suse 10.2 and just newly setup *Palm TX* and *gnome-pilot applet
2.0.14* for sync with *Evolution 2.8.2*. As a test case, I copied 1000
contacts from Palm to PC using the "one time action" selection.

Several hours later the copy was done. I see addressbook.db (324 KB)
located in /home/awilcox/.evolution/addressbook/local/system. During the
sync operation it was being updated (I think) because the date stamp
changed each minute, although the size stayed the same.

On the conduit setup, I chose "Personal" and "Home" for the addresses.

When I start Evolution, there are no contacts. None. I select Personal
(the only one actually), but nothing there. Check Edit | Sync Options
gets me to the gnome-pilot settings. Shows my PDA and conduits setup OK.

As Evolution starts, the brief address in the lower status area looks
like the correct area.

How does one load addresses? This looks like it should work, but
doesn't. Clues anybody?


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