Re: [Evolution] Recovering cached mail

Mbox files are defined as rfc822 mail messages split by a blank line and
a line starting with From_, which is F, r, o, m and a space.

It's possible some of the lines in your mbox file don't follow this
convention, and maybe that's why Evolution is having a hard time parsing

For example, I know many times messages have a From:_ line, rather than
a From_ line.  The colon matters.  So you may have to do some manual
replacements, e.g. in vim you can do :%s/^From: /From /g.

I hope that helps.  From some quick googling there are some scripts that
do guesses like this on the web.  You can look for Maildir to mbox


On Fri, 2007-02-09 at 14:44 +1100, James McCaw wrote:
That is the first thing I tried, except I didn't have the spaces
between the concatenated files...I'll give it a shot...

Unfortunately it doesn't seem to work. The "file" command claims my
concatenated file is indeed RFC 822 mail text, but when dumped into
~/.evolution/mail/local it doesn't show up in evolution (a directory
appears but it doesn't have any emails in it).

"file" run on files in ~/.evolution/mail/local indicates that they are
"ISO-8859 mail text, with very long lines" so the question is now: How
does one (easily!) convert an RFC 822 file to the appropriate
evolution local directory format?

Thanks for your input Andrew.


On 09/02/07, Andrew Montalenti <ajm pixelmonkey org> wrote:
If those really are rfc822 mail files, you could probably just
concatenate them together (which would produce an mbox file) and copy
the mbox file to ~/.evolution/mail/local/.

Something like:

cd ~/.evolution/mail/exchange/<acct>/personal/sub/folders/Saved\ Items/
cat * >cache-mbox
mv cache-mbox ~/.evolution/mail/local/

It's possible that the rfc822 files do not end with a blank line.  If
that's so, the above may not work (mbox files are rfc822 messages
separated by blank lines).

When the cache-mbox file is in the evolution local mail directory,
restarting evolution should get it to show up in your folder list.

HTH, I am not an evolution expert (just user),

On Wed, 2007-02-07 at 18:40 +1100, James McCaw wrote:
Hi evolution mailing list

Today I accidently deleted some mail (only about 30 messages) from an
exchange server account. I discovered I have a locally cached copy in
the directory ~/.evolution/mail/exchange/<account name>/personal/sub
folders/Saved Items/

In that directory there are two binary files "cmeta" and "summary" and
a directory "cache" (with subdirs full of the RFC 822 mail files). I
can confirm that the 30 missing messages are there by examing the
files in "cache" one by one.

Unfortunately I can't find a way to recover those files or import them
back into evolution. The File->Import dialog doesn't allow me to
import those files.

Any tips? Thanks in advance for any replies.


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