Re: [Evolution] Creating & Printing new Page views ??

Thank you Mathew for your quick reply:

On Mon, 2007-08-27 at 13:42 -0400, Matthew Barnes wrote:
On Mon, 2007-08-27 at 12:32 -0400, William Case wrote:
That said, I am hoping to revamp the calendar printouts in the
not-so-distant future (hopefully in time for Evolution 2.14 next
spring), so if you have specific suggestions in mind I will take them
into consideration when the time comes.

Hopefully that was less abrupt this time.

Yes.  I am glad to see there is someone directly responsible for
maintaining this part of Evolution.  Previously I had the sense that
everybody wanted to do fun stuff like IMAP and Windows Server etc.
Printing things was just so mundane and old hat.

I am giving you a brief description of what *I* would like to see:

a) Monthly calendar printed on one side of the page.
        I would like the calendar to start with the current week, Monday
        first, five work days across + Sat and Sun as half days.
        I would like the monthly calender to show 5 consecutive weeks.
        For example, I don't, and I think most other people don't, need
        to see appointments that have passed if they are carrying a
        paper calendar.  Currently, if today is Aug 27, I would like
        that to show on the first line, not somewhere near the bottom
        where I would be unable to write or pencil in a future
        appointment for Sept 20.

b) A trifold or 3 panel printout for the other side of the page.
        Panel 1, would show for the day of the printout, a daily
        appointment sheet with (set to 1/2 hour, 1/4 hour, whatever)
        time slots and currently scheduled appointments.
        Panel 2, would show phone no.s and/or URL for the contact names
        listed in the appointment dialogue.  This would require being
        able to add a contact name field to the new appointments
        dialogue. Contact names would be selected at the time of
        scheduling a new appointment.
        Panel 3, a configurable TODO list like already exists.

I would fold the two-sided printout along the trifold dividing lines (or
spaces); fold it once more in half; and carry it around with me in my
hip or shirt pocket.  By the end of the day (or week depending how busy
I was) I would have handwritten notes all over it, which I could then
transfer to the appropriate category (i.e. appointments, new contacts,
TODOs, or notes).

Mathew, if you would like, I can submit the above as a Bugzilla feature
enhancement.  If any of my description is not clear please ask for
further details.

Maybe I am just settled in my ways eshewing electronic PIM's etc., but
some things are just easier doing the old fashioned way.

Regards Bill

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