[Evolution] Maybe I mis-wrote the question ?


I posted a question, that I hoped I could get some advice about, but no
one has replied.  I just re-read my own question, and perhaps I wasn't

My problem is not technical, but more in the way of advice from Evo
users who might be more experienced than I.

My 'Saved' folder has nearly 500 saved messages in it.  I would like to
vet and remove most of them without losing the content of the messages
themselves.  That is, I want put them in a file which can be read with
any text reader.  An 'export' command would be useful in this context.

I plan to create a new folder called 'MessageArchives". Using filters
and the 'move to folder' command, move most of these saved messages from
the 'Saved' folder to the new 'MessageArchives' folder.

That seems like the easy part.

However, when I look in ~/.evolution I find several directors and files
with various suffixes that are new to me.  Which new 'MessageArchive.*'
file is the file to copy or save so that I can use it later as a
plain .txt file.  Which files, once copied, can I remove? Should I then
only remove the 'MessageArchive' files and directories (after being
copied to a *.txt) through the Evolution interface?

I hope this straightens out my question.  If not, please post the
appropriate questions for clarification.  I have searched Evo 'help' and
couldn't find anything related.  If there is an archiving method
mentioned in 'help' would you please tell me where I should have looked?

Regards Bill

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